Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How'd you do that?

One of my biggest irritations as a stay at home mom is how Brady totally tunes me out.  He's really a sweet boy, so when he finds me yelling he asks, "Mommy, what's wrong?"  I then inform him it's the 4th, 5th or 6th time I've said the same thing (in a row).

The problem seems to be expanding.  He couldn't stand to ride his bike next to me yesterday, so he drove himself in a big circle around the neighborhood (with me following) and came back to our house mad that he didn't get to the park.  I'm finding the humor in this more and more.

Today, Brady asked for vitamins and then rambled on about a hundred different things before he realized the vitamins were right in front of him.  He looks back at me and says, "How'd you do that?"  It's like I'm magically fast : )

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